American Eagle Day – Keep Sevier Beautiful
Southern Hospitality Internship Program > Pro Event Calendar > American Eagle Day – Keep Sevier Beautiful
American Eagle Day – Keep Sevier Beautiful
- February 18, 2020
- Posted by: scinternship
American Eagle Day is a special day to commemorate the anniversary of the Bald Eagle’s selection as our National Symbol and to celebrate its return to America’s skies.
Although the Bald Eagle has made a remarkable comeback, there is still work to be done. Trash and debris continue to pollute ecosystems across the US, especially in parks, roadways, rivers, lakes and streams. Fishing wire, hooks, tires and household garbage pose a serious threat to our incredible Bald Eagle and other species. We will use American Eagle Day as a call to action in working toward eliminating the litter and debris in various areas of the county.
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